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Kirby Wiki

From WiKirby, your independent source of Kirby knowledge.
Revision as of 19:19, 12 February 2010 by (talk) (:D)
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Welcome to WiKirby!
The Kirby Wiki with 4,448 articles and counting!
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Welcome to WiKirby!
This is a free encyclopedia that anyone can edit. About Kirby!

We are just getting started, and you can help immensely. In addition to needing articles, images, and templates, WiKirby will always welcome suggestions for site improvements. You can get started right away, create an account and help make this wiki the top Kirby resource! To start, try creating a new article that others want.

Have fun and thanks for visiting!
WiKirby News Box
  • February 11, 2010- WiKirby skin completed and implemented.
  • January 30, 2010- URLs fixed and logo added to WiKirby.
  • January 28, 2010- WiKirby opened for edits as a soft launch to get core articles, policy, and help pages created before submitting the url to Google. With experienced Wiki editors from other wikis, the bugs in the system should be found and routed out before then.
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The Aqua Star is the oceanic third world encountered by Kirby and his sidekick, Ribbon, during their mission to dispell Dark Matter from their realm in Kirby 64: The Crystal Shards. Physically, the planet is encompassed in water, even the small inner core, an appearance backed up by the five water-logged stages that make up the topography of the Aqua Star. With regions ranging from beaches to raging rivers, and from subterranean caves to islands, Kirby must navigate the aqueous landscape in order to make it to the lair of Acro, the killer whale-like boss of the realm at the last stage.